
Friday, March 29, 2013

Josie Neglia's Blog


By now you have probably taken ‘um-teen’ lessons and feel confident enough to go to the night club but still get nervous to be out there on the dance floor amongst all the great Salseros and Salseras! Yes?
Here are a few hidden secrets of social dancing every club goers should know to ensure success and steer away from embarrassment. 
1. Clean up and dress nicely before hitting the club
What you don’t hear is what people are whispering after they dance with you. If you smell nice, look nice and have fresh breath, then all they have to talk about is your great dancing! 
2. You don’t need a wing-man or girlfriend to have a good time
Many girls and guys go to nightclubs alone and have a great time. Head over to the bar after you walk in and order yourself a drink. Starting with a little “liquid courage” i.e. alcohol, sometimes helps loosen up the inhibitions. While you are at the bar, look relaxed and smile as you look at the dance floor. You are bound to catch a few glances and smiles and maybe find your first dance partner. 

3. Etiquette in asking or being asked
As a man, it is more expected that you do the asking. Look for ladies that smile or look your way, or moving in their chair to the music or standing by the dance floor. Approach politely (not waving her onto the dance floor from across the room) and hold out your hand as you are asking. Smiling usually helps a more positive response. Also bring her back to where you asked her after the dance is over as opposed to leaving her stranded on the dance floor.
As a lady, it is more common to flirt and use body language to show a partner that you are interested in dancing with him. It is not uncommon to ask a man to dance, but it is considered more feminine and less aggressive to wait for the man to ask. I know this sounds a little archaic but the Latin culture is quite swayed toward sexy flirtation and it makes it more intriguing for the men if ladies let them do the asking.

4. Where you should dance on the dance floor
If you are a beginner, it is more common to go toward the center of the room. The advanced dancers tend to stay on the outer edges of the dance floor and are quite experienced at not hitting others as they dance so closely to the tables and standing crowd.
As a leader, you should walk in front of your partner as you lead her on and off the floor so that you can keep her safe from flying elbows and wild stomping feet.

5. Buy your dance partner a drink
It is not only polite and generous to buy your dance partner a drink at the bar before or after a dance, it also is great support to the clubs that host the Latin dance clubs who keep this dance form alive. As you may be aware, salsa dancers tend to not drink as much as the average club goer, so Salsa Clubs tend to go out of business if they do not get enough bar sales. The promoters work hard and the club owners usually have a passion for Latin dance, but they need to make the bottom line to keep your favorite clubs open, so support as much as you can.
Interested in learning more about how to dance effectively and with great skill? Register now for Josie Neglia’s Latin dance classes or take a virtual private lesson (using skype or ichat)! Josie will have you dancing like a seasoned Salsero or Salsera with her advanced teaching techniques. Visit

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